Picking Pumpkins
As always, we "started" off the week with another fantastic Winesday. Tzaddi and Nick were hanging out together while us ladies enjoyed the girl time...can you tell we had a little bit more fun than usual? Gina's birthday was on Friday so she decided to hang out with us on her special day. Eh, who am I kidding? She just wanted to hang out with Brixton. Brixton has been rather grabby lately. He reaches for anything and everything within his reach and then tries to put it in his mouth. Like Gina's nose: And her arm: On Saturday, we took Brixton and Lucy to Bates Nut Farm to pick some pumpkins. It was super hot and very crowded...but we still had a great time. I wish we could've gotten a picture with the entire "Bates Nut Farm" sign but the people next to us wouldn't move. Who said bucket hats were out of style? Brixton got a little lonely hanging out in the hay with all the pumpkins, so Lucy came over to keep him company. "Don't worr...