The Newest Maniac!
Despite numerous requests asking Tzaddi to take a few photos of me in the last days of pregnancy...there isn't ONE of me. The only documentation is this video, taken exactly one week before birth: Here are some lovely photos Tzaddi took of me about 5 minutes before we left for the hospital. Considering I was dilated to 7cm when I got to the hospital, I think I look pretty good ;) Two hours and two pushes later... Sawyer Alexander Morey April 4th, 2011 11:35 pm 7 lbs 10 oz 19.5 " long Excuse the following photo bomb...I have no time to edit all the photos and it's too hard for a new Mommy to decide which ones are the best!!! Nana Noni Auntie Delia The following morning... Not too bad for being 8 hours old, huh? Brixton gets to meet his new baby brother! Tante Carleen Tio Nick Auntie Misty & Uncle Nate Time to leave the hospital! First stop: HOME! Mommy needed a nice long shower! Cousin Lucy AMBUSH!!! Nana Noni and Nana First Bath! I'll leave you with Sawyer's ...