Almost there...
So, a few things have happened since I posted last week. I got a call from my oncologist to discuss my pathology in a bit more detail. He's concerned about the new DCIS cancer they found, as well as the lymphatic-vascular invasion. To be on the safe side, he ordered an Oncotype Dx test which will determine the risk of distant breast cancer recurrence. I will definitely need chemotherapy, but the test results will determine how aggressive the chemo treatment plan will be. Those results will come back within two weeks, so I will visit my oncologist on Dec 3rd for results and to map out the chemo plan. I'm guessing that we would be starting chemo the following week, which is cutting it a bit close to my scheduled back-to-work date...but from what I read it seems like the first chemo treatment is relatively easy and it gets progressively more difficult. I also had a visit with my plastic surgeon yesterday - hooray! Unfortunately t...