
Showing posts from March, 2010

No Time For Much

Brixton has been crawling for almost 2 weeks now and we can't believe how fast he can move. He already knows how to climb the stairs and get tangled in speaker wire. He also knows how to find the tiniest speck of dirt or plastic to put in his mouth. It's fun, but it doesn't leave us much time to take photos! But here's the last week (or so) in a nutshell: Brixton eating egg yolk for the first time Bothering Pixel A nap with Daddy Trying to pull Fisher's hair Standing in Lucy's house (don't worry, Auntie D was holding him from behind) This isn't a great picture, but it gives you an idea of how big he is! He knows how to stand up but not how to sit down! Tzaddi was on the phone with Oma in Portland. He put her on speaker phone and Brixton was very interested in the conversation! Here's Brixton challenging his Daddy to a wrestling match: I think he got some lessons from Mike Tyson! I'm not sure what this move is called...perhaps the "Eat M...

Creeping and Crawling

It finally happened. Brixton has become mobile. Gone are the days of plopping him down on his butt and expecting to find him in the same place five minutes later. Gone are the days of speaker stands, portable heaters, candles and hanging electric cords. Brixton is crawling! And who were the witnesses of this momentous occasion? NOT his Mommy and Daddy! He crawled on Friday when he was with his Nana Noni and Auntie D. I guess he just couldn't wait until Saturday!!! But it's all right, we're super proud of our little guy!

General Cuteness

The last few days have been relatively uneventful. But it seems as though Brixton gets cuter every day! I was sick last week so I sat Brixton down next to his toy box hoping that he would entertain himself. He proceeded to take every single toy out of the box. Do you think he had fun? Brixton loves to read...even in the bathtub! Here's some video of Brixton enjoying one of his new favorite finger foods: whole wheat bagels. He loves taking bites out of his bitty bagels!

Morning with Daddy

Tzaddi had to stay home from work yesterday so he got to have a morning alone with the little guy. So he took advantage of his time by taking some great pictures of Brixton. A bit artsy, but I like it!

Bubble Beard

On Brixton's second night in the big bathtub, Tzaddi decided to be generous and give him a bubble bath. I knew Brixton was pretty excited about his first bath...but I had no idea he would get even more excited over bubbles!!! The first thing he did was face plant into the bubbles and he came up with his very first bubble beard! Check it out: As you could see from the video, I was busy snapping away. Here are all the still shots: I think he got a little sleepy and wanted to escape... What a sweetheart!