No Time For Much
Brixton has been crawling for almost 2 weeks now and we can't believe how fast he can move.
He already knows how to climb the stairs and get tangled in speaker wire.
He also knows how to find the tiniest speck of dirt or plastic to put in his mouth.
It's fun, but it doesn't leave us much time to take photos!
But here's the last week (or so) in a nutshell:
Brixton eating egg yolk for the first time
Bothering Pixel
A nap with Daddy
Trying to pull Fisher's hair
Standing in Lucy's house
(don't worry, Auntie D was holding him from behind)
This isn't a great picture, but it gives you an idea of how big he is!
He knows how to stand up but not how to sit down!
Tzaddi was on the phone with Oma in Portland.
He put her on speaker phone and Brixton was very interested in the conversation!
Here's Brixton challenging his Daddy to a wrestling match:
I think he got some lessons from Mike Tyson!
I'm not sure what this move is called...perhaps the "Eat My Diaper - Biyatch!"
Tzaddi can be quite competitive when necessary.
He thought Brixton was playing dirty so he gave him a taste of his own medicine...
I think we can tell who won, right?
Poor Brixton!
And as if that wasn't bad enough, Tzaddi had to manhandle him to get his shoes on!
I guess the shoes were for a good cause; Poppy Tops came over and he let Brixton drive his Cobra.
Pretty neat, huh?
I'll leave you with this last photo.
Mr. Big Shot standing by himself in the bath.
He thinks he's so cool!
A little man on the move! Too cute!