Slumber Party!

Guest Blogger - Auntie D I asked Delia to post the blog this week since she babysat Brixton - enjoy! So Brixton had his first ever slumber party! Cira and Tzaddi went to a concert, and had their first night away from him, much to MY joy! ...and, of course, Lucy and Nick were thrilled as well! I didn't get pictures of everything, mostly because I was chasing around TWO kids all day! LUNCHTIME! Yummy apple filled whole wheat quesadillas! As you can see, Lucy thought it would be best that SHE sat in the highchair... We went to a baby shower, and this is the only proof of my outing with the two, even though Brixton is kind of hidden. Hey, cut me some slack, I don't think in "blog picture" terms. When we got home, Lucy and I thought it would be a great idea to teach Brixton how to safely jump and walk on the couch. No, he is not trying to get off, he is trying to get back up. After dinner and no nappage from either child, I gave them both a shower and then it was time to ...