Vacation in Portland!
We took our first vacation in over 3 years - and our first ever as a family! We were lucky enough to spend almost 10 days in Portland visiting Tzaddi's entire family (everyone except Oma & Tante Jeanne, that is).
We had a such a great time...hope you enjoy the pictures!
It's a long post ;)
Brixton did great on the flight over - here he is enjoying a short layover in Sacramento!
Ilja's House
The stairs at Ilja and Ingrid's house were rather enticing for Brixton.
He was pretty fast at climbing up...I think because he was racing to get away from us.
This is in Ilja's backyard; it was a bit chilly.
More stairs!
These were the most challenging for us since there was no side rail!
Oregon Coast - The Beach House
We spent 5 days at a beach house on the Oregon Coast - a "vacation within a vacation". It was fantastic...we were just able to relax and enjoy each other's company.
This was the semi-private beach below our backyard.
Brixton had fun playing with his Oma in the sand!
Isn't it amazing how green everything is?
We took a 10-minute hike through the forest to get to the beach. Every single tree was covered in moss!
We definitely don't have beaches like this in San Diego!
Just look at all the trees!
I just love this picture...the fog in the background looks so cool.
Here's Brixton and his BFF, Steijn. They were quite the dynamic duo!
A great picture of the family:
Steijn, Tzaddi, Brixton, Oma (Anneke), Jeroen, Ellen and Arthur
Time to head back...too bad we have to go over a suspension bridge!
Tzaddi woke up bright and early the next day to take a kayak trip with Arthur. It took them about 1.5 hours...and they were glad to be back!
The Petting Zoo
We took Brixton to a small petting zoo so he could get acquainted with farm life. He didn't know what to think at first, but then he got used to it!

Whew! Feeding all those animals is hard work!
Time to go!
Cape Meares
Here's the Octopus Tree...kinda cool, huh?
Look at the size of this slug!!! I guess gigantic slugs are a common occurrence in Oregon ;)
Steijn & Brixton relax while listening to some tunes:
Can you tell we had Brixton out while it drizzled? His hair is plastered to his head - and he loved every minute of it!
Back to Portland
We stopped by a roadside farm so Ingrid could get some cherries and Brixton decided to pose next to the sign.
We couldn't decide what to do once we got home, so we just relaxed for a bit.
Picnic at the Park
We all decided that since it was such a beautiful day, we would have a picnic at a nearby park. The guys threw the frisbee and kicked the soccer ball...and Brixton did the same!

Disc Golf
Is any trip complete without a round of disc golf?
I think not.
ALL of the guys (including Brixton) went to play disc golf together the following morning.
Last Night in Portland
On our last night in Portland, all 14 of us went out to dinner (thank you Over Oma!) at a great restaurant in Portland.
Can you get an idea how spoiled Brixton was on our trip?
After dinner, we went back to Ilja's house and took MANY group photos. This one was my absolute favorite...I think it was one of the first we took and NO ONE was ready for all the flashes from everyone's camera!
Last Day in Portland
Everyone came by the house to hang out before we had to go to the airport. Brixton was getting jealous of the boys playing ping pong, so Steijn let him play on his team :)
The Airport
Doesn't saying "good bye" really stink?
Brixton thought so, so he just decided to sleep right through it.
Since I didn't get any pictures of Brixton on his FIRST flight, I decided to take a couple shots on his SECOND flight.
We had such a fantastic time in Portland and can't wait to go back.
Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later!
Looks like you guys had a great time. Oregon is so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing the pictures. :)
Those pictures of Brixton on the ping pong table make me laugh bcuz he and Steijn looks like the world's tallest and shortest men standing together. Looks like you all had a great time!