It's About Darn Time!
This has gotten absolutely ridiculous!
I find that I'm so busy running after a 2-yr old while a 5-month old hangs off my boob that I hardly have time to take any photos, let alone upload and post to the blog.
So here's the latest and greatest since the last time I posted!
You'll find that most of these pix were taken on a weekend morning...hence most of the pj and diaper shots. I haven't even edited the photos, so sorry in advance for any red eye!
We had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard...look how tiny Sawyer was!
Later on we went to The Cannington Manor for some Easter crafts...
...and another Easter Egg Hunt!
Then we were silly enough to think that we could all take some family photos...of course, after the kids have run out of their sugar high!
Wrestling with Daddy after school at the park!

Backyard fun at Hacienda Hughes
Hanging at the Park
Pooping on the Potty!
Too cool for school!

Here's Brixton helping with the laundry!
I swear that I didn't put him up to this...I turned around and all of a sudden he was throwing clothes in the washing machine!

Housewarming party for Nate & Misty at The Ranch
A musician in the making?

Brixton and Sawyer's First Trip to the Zoo

Fisher's 3rd Birthday Party
Tzaddi came home from work and Brixton was so excited that they jumped into an impromptu dance routine - enjoy!
Father's Day
Oma & Opa come to San Diego for a visit!
Nana Noni and I took Brixton to play miniature golf for his 2nd birthday - he had a blast!
Afterwards, we had a small pizza party at the house.
But even happier with his tool set!

And he even got a bicycle for his birthday...complete with a helmet to protect his noggin!

Birthday Cake!

Brixton's 2nd Birthday Party
Lounge Lizard!
This was their first official game of ball...they rolled it back and forth a couple of times until Brixton got mad that Sawyer was drooling all over his ball!
First "bite" of cereal!
Brixton had his first dentist appointment and he did a great job! He even asked for "again mouth dentist" after the doc was done. And no cavities - whew!
Brixton's new big boy bed...he loves it!
And last but not least...I am so happy to introduce my newest niece!
Isela Alicia Inzunza
8 lbs 3 oz
September 12th, 2011 at 2:31am
Take note that Delia looks 100 times better than Mom and me...despite the fact that it's 3 in the morning and Delia just birthed a baby!
Just listen to the teeny baby cry at the end of this video!
Yay! We knew better to harass you for photos, but am excited you finally updated! Love the photos, they are both HUGE since we saw you. Congrats on the perfect niece!