Friday Night Fun

Last night we had the Inzunza and Angstead families over for dinner. It was the first time that all of us have gotten together as a group since the babies have been born.
It worked out really well since Lucy and Dylan were able to play with each other and us adults could have normal adult-oriented conversation.
For the most part, anyway - in between Toni and I having breast feeding battles ;)

Lucy, Brixton & Dylan having fun in the gymini

Brixton started off very happy next to Chloe...but once she started crying he wasn't thrilled!
Do you feel the sparks like I do, Chloe?
Hey, wait a minute...
I don't like this anymore, Mommy!

The true miracle of the evening occurred when all EIGHT of us were able to sit down to eat dinner together without any interruptions from crying babies.
Brixton hung out in his swing sucking on his fingers and Chloe snuggled up in the bouncy seat next to the table while we had a delicious dinner.

Uncle Nick having some quality time with his nephew

Here's an awesome picture of Mom and Brixton; she stopped by before the evenings festivities.


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