A Whole Lot of Nothing

This week has been rather uneventful and pretty boring. Since I'm rather lazy and boring myself, I can truly say that I've had a nice week!
Brixton and I spent one of our last weeks together (egads, I just might cry) playing in his gymini and having good old fashioned fun!

Anneke brought these adorable little rattle booties for Brixton straight from Holland.
They are so cute and they rattle rather loudly.
They're much better than any of the foot rattles I've bought here.
Brixton spent much of the time grabbing the little cow heads and trying to eat them.
Update: Since this photo was taken, one of the cows met an unfortunate fate. Pixel found one of the booties while we were giving Brixton a bath and preceded to munch on the cow head.
She popped all the little beads and now the sock doesn't make any noise.
I just knew that darn dog was up to no good.

We went to my Mom's house for another Winesday. This time we had extra visitors: Toni, Dylan and Chloe. While Chloe got some cuddle time from my Mom, the other 3 tykes had some fun in the kitchen.
I couldn't find my camera until this morning so I apologize for the lack of photos.
I took these photos today just to give you an idea of what we've been up to.

Here's Brixton playing in his gymini. You can see that he's actually grasping the little banana and his other hand is about to grab the rattle. He has so much fun in that thing and we can really see how much he's developed in the last couple of weeks.
I took this photo of Brixton and I this morning. Not too shabby, eh?


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