Getting Around
Lucy stopped by to visit with her cousin before the Raider game the weekend before last. You can kinda get an idea of how tall they are if you compare them to Delia (who is trying to hide). Isn't Brixton so strong?
Look at Brixton in his hip-hop persona hoodie! Next time he wears this outfit I'm going to take video of him beatboxing.
Brixton is getting so good with his tummy time! What do you think of the trail of drool on his chin?
On Friday, my Mom was kind enough to drive him to my work for Petco's Annual Harvest Fair. He had so much fun being held by everyone! BTW, if ANYONE is in the market for beautiful hand-made baby/kid blankets - check out my sister's website on Etsy.
Brixton was soooo happy to get a Thanksgiving card in the mail from his Oma in Portland. I showed him the card and he promptly tore it out of my hands. Even babies love getting mail!
We went out to dinner on Friday night and then went to Delia and Nick's. It just so happened that Lucy and Brixton were wearing their coordinating fleece outfits.
Tzaddi had a great idea of us wearing a long red scarf for our holiday photo. So we bought 4 red scarves from Old Navy (for only $2 each!) and Delia sewed them together. Since Brixton was already asleep, we decided to do a test run with the adults. It looks pretty cool, huh? You'll find out soon if we decided it looked cute enough when you get our holiday card in the mail!
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