Seriously...a Sippy Cup?
So we keep thinking that today will be the day that Brixton will start to like his solid foods. I know that these photos make it look like he enjoys eating...but I promise you it's just for show!
Here is Brixton getting his TEETH brushed for the first time. Yes, it is true: Brixton's bottom two teeth popped through at only five months old. The time is going by way too fast!
Tzaddi had his company party on Dec 4th. Don't we look snazzy all dressed up?
Gina babysat for us so we could go out and have a good time. She had a blast watching Brixton...but the real question is...did he???
Look, she even made him drink his bottle all by himself!
We decided to give Brixton a sippy cup to practice with while he sits in his high chair. We never expected him to be so good the first time using one!
He looks like he's enjoying himself, right?
In my own defense, Brixton had a WONDERFUL time with me and Pixel! Good thing I took my own video of our fun as evidence! I will have to post it on my Facebook!