Sweet Potatoes

Delia came over last weekend to give me a lesson in how to make my own baby food. She promised that the food tastes better and it would save me a lot of money. So we drank lots of wine and we peeled, boiled, pureed and froze a million tiny containers filled with fresh food for Brixton. I was so excited to give him his first bite of homemade sweet potatoes...
After all that work...and he didn't like them at all!!! Not to mention the gigantic mess...

Even though Brixton didn't really like his meal, we still had a really good time. Nick took over the video while we picked up after dinner...the loud noise in the background is the food processor. Brixton makes the sweetest face...

After we cleaned everyone up, Lucy and Brixton got in their Christmas pajamas from Old Navy. Lucy calls them her "Christmas Brissons". How cute are they???

Here's Brixton trying to give Lucy a hug...

Say Cheese!


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