We've definitely been enjoying our weekends together...the time just seems to fly by when Tzaddi is home.
Here are the boys enjoying Saturday morning college football.
Can you tell Pixel is happy to have him home, too?
Even though we try to keep "work" during the week, there are still chores to be done around the house. It can be quite time consuming, so we believe in getting as much help as we can - however we can!
We've trained him well, haven't we?
Auntie D taught Brixton how to climb on top of tiny boxes...and then jump off.
What a great idea, Auntie!
Now he thinks he can jump off of everything!!!
We went to a baby shower for Darian and Kelly's second daughter last weekend. The kiddos had a fantastic time spinning each other around in the teacup chairs...although Brixton just watched.
I think Fisher has been watching America's Next Top Model when no one's looking!
Brixton is really into books right now...like, reeeaaally into books. We're constantly getting books shoved into our face as he shouts "goo?" over and over again. Even though Brixton knows how to say "bath" and "ball", for some reason he can't get the "b" in book!
So books are just goos for now :)
Isn't this a fantastic picture???
Poppy Tops helped Brixton reach all the lantern decorations...luckily he didn't rip any off!
Ah, the parents-t0-be - AGAIN!
Can you tell Brixton is about to get into trouble?
He's been practicing walking off the stairs instead of crawling butt-first. He started to practice his skills during the present opening, but I gave him the Evil Eye and he stopped. It's amazing when he actually listens to me!
Another one of Delia's beautiful blankies!
We went over to the Cannington Manor to watch the Raider game last week. Brixton didn't feel like watching the Raiders lose again, so he decided to take a bath.
In the dirt.
Yes, he is actually rubbing it on his legs.
Unfortunately, Brixton decided a dirt bath wasn't enough...he needed a dirt shower, too!
I seriously couldn't believe it.
And I can't believe I didn't stop him!
But it was pretty darn cute...and I knew that Tzaddi would be responsible for his nighttime bath...hehehe.
Here's some video of the whole cleansing - enjoy!
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