Eight Months Old

Yes, we know it's hard to believe.
But Brixton is EIGHT months old.
Remember a couple of weeks ago when I posted the picture of Brixton standing up next to his toy? And he fell over right after I took the photo?
Well, those days are long gone!
Brixton is pulling himself up onto everything.
He kneels, he stands, he rolls...but no crawling yet!
(thank goodness)
And did I mention that he has SEVEN teeth???
(well, you can see five teeth really good...only the newest two when you get up close)
He loves giving us big toothy grins.

The time is flying by so fast and he is getting so big.
Just look at him next to little Baby Andrew, just one week old!
He looks like a bruiser!
Brixton was super skeptical about the tiny baby...especially when he saw me holding him.
But I think he got over it.
I think he was just jealous of Andrew's hair ;)

We went over to Angela & Dan's house for dinner on Friday. As usual, they treated us to a delicious meal and we had a fantastic time!
Saturday morning...hanging out with the P-Dog.

We went to Dylan's 2nd birthday party on Saturday afternoon. It poured rain all morning and then stopped just in time for the party to begin. About an hour into the party it started to pour again.
It was awesome!
Only in San Diego: backyard parties in February!
Yes, Brixton is trying to unzip his jacket...
...and stand...
...and steal the birthday girl's cake!
He doesn't look guilty, does he?
Brixton had a really good time bonking his head (and mine) with the balloon:

Do you see what a good baby we're raising?
He already knows how to help with the laundry!
On Sunday night, we decided to move Brixton into the REAL bathtub.
I wasn't sure how he was going to like it.
After all, I'm not really a bath-type-girl (although Tzaddi is) and I don't even like to get my face wet in the shower.
I thought maybe he would be scared because the tub is so big.
I thought he might fall over and drown.
Boy oh boy...I thought wrong!


  1. So you're saying Tzaddi is a bath-type girl? I had no idea. BTW, I'm just like you about my face in the shower. Tyrone thinks I'm weird but I'll let him know I'm not alone : )

  2. OMG- love the bubble beard pics, just adorable! Andrew is already gettin bigger than in those shots, he's 3 wks old tomorrow! Hopefully we can all get together soon, I didn't hear from you this past wknd so call or txt soon : )


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